
Learn how and when to use 2d cutout trees

To give something back to our archviz community, together with Simon Oudiette of Horoma, we’ve prepared this series of tutorials.

You’ll get deeper understanding of when to use 2d/3d foliage,  how to enhance the composition of images and it will help you to integrate 2d trees in your images with Photoshop.

01/ Introduction to the webinar
02/ Assess 2D foliage vs 3d foliage for an optimized workflow
03/ Choose the right foliage for your images
04/ Use foliage to compose your images
05/ How to blend your foliage seamlessly into your images (Photoshop workflow)

Let us know, what do you think and save around 1hour for it!

All the Best!
Pawel Potemkowski from Forest/Digital

01 / Introduction to the webinar

02 / Assess 2D foliage vs 3d foliage for an optimized workflow

03 / Choose the right foliage for your images

04 / Use foliage to compose your images

05 / How to blend your foliage seamlessly into your images

Photoshop script by Horoma

Don’t forget to check The Essentials For Archviz Professionals V.2, that Simon uses in this webinar!

… check forest/digital and include it in your workflow!